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Women Well-Being

Women well-being is for the woman who knows that exercising and eating well will make you happier and stronger (even if after-work runs can really suck). We know that looking and feeling good are interconnected, that fad diets aren't effective, and that a sustainable lifestyle is crucial to achieving any goal. And we also know that life can be stressful since there's never enough time, but balance is achievable (with a little help).

Nationwide Condom Shortage Affects India’s HIV Prevention Efforts

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Share -->PrintHomeGlobal Health PolicyKaiser Daily Global Health Policy ReportMay 13, 2015Nationwide Condom Shortage Affects India’s HIV Prevention EffortsMay 13, 2015

LiveMint: Shortage of condoms hits govt’s AIDS prevention program
“A nationwide shortage of government-supplied condoms has affected two key programs of the health ministry [in India] — human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention and family planning. What compounds matters is the size of funds needed to address the shortage…” (Krishnan, 5/12).

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