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Women Well-Being

Women well-being is for the woman who knows that exercising and eating well will make you happier and stronger (even if after-work runs can really suck). We know that looking and feeling good are interconnected, that fad diets aren't effective, and that a sustainable lifestyle is crucial to achieving any goal. And we also know that life can be stressful since there's never enough time, but balance is achievable (with a little help).

Make fitness your job!

By 10:09

Want to get paid for doing what you love? A career in the fitness industry means you could do just that, says Amanda Khouv

The desire for a career in the fitness industry doesn’t necessarily manifest itself early on in life. 

In fact, many of us might not develop a passion for exercise until later in life; whether that’s due to getting into shape after having a baby, meeting a partner who introduces us to the joys of working out or catching the bug after taking up a fitness challenge. By this point, our lives may seem mapped out, and changing paths to turn your passion for fitness into a nine-to-five might not
seem viable.

But here at WF, we reckon it’s never too late. So we’ve rounded up the top fitness careers you could break into this year – yes, you!


Get groups moving
Why? Les Mills has a reputation for running some of the best gym classes around. And whether you’re sculpting muscle in BodyPump or unwinding in BodyBalance, there’s one thing each class has in common: an instructor who’ll encourage you from beginning to end. ‘One of the best parts of being a Les Mills instructor is the social element,’ says Dave Kyle, head trainer at Les Mills UK (lesmills.com/uk). ‘You’ll make friends not only with fellow instructors, but class participants, too.’
How? You’ll need a Gym Instructor qualification or equivalent, and you’ll need to be a member of the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs). Some classes like BodyJam require the Level 2 Exercise to Music qualification, too. After this, you’ll need to take a module in whichever programme you’ll be teaching. A quick search online will help you find a course for you.

One on one
Why? Ask any personal trainer why they do what they do, and it’s likely they’ll say: to help others get in shape. ‘Being able to have a positive impact on people’s lives has to be the best thing about being a personal trainer,’ says Paul Dorkings of Premier Training International (premierglobal.co.uk).
How? It’s a common misconception that once you’re qualified, you’re successful. ‘You also need to develop your business based on what your clients want and what helps them progress,’ Paul says. 

Fuse fitness and fashion
Why? Helping people feel and look great while they’re working out can really help keep them motivated to hit the gym regularly. Fitnesswear designer Charli Cohen (charli-cohen.com) knows all about this, having burst onto the fitness scene with her sport luxe range last year. ‘Designing fitnesswear opens the doors for potential innovation,’ says Charli. ‘The fitness industry is so friendly, inclusive and collaborative, too, in a way that the fashion industry sometimes isn’t.’
How? Learn as much as you can about the industry first – speak to people in various areas to understand what’s necessary in releasing a line. ‘This will help you decide which role specifically you’d like to work in – such as product developer or designer – or if you’d prefer to take on all the challenges of setting up on your own,’ Charli explains. ‘And an industry focused course is important to team your creativity with strong technical skills, understanding industry standards and learning how to be commercially successful.’

Set up your own studio
Why? If you live and breathe fitness, starting up your own studio is the perfect way to share your experience with others and spread that love. Lisa Campbell, who set up Yotopia yoga studio (yotopia.co.uk) in 2011, discovered her passion for yoga in a class and the rest is history. ‘I wanted to bring yoga to others who may have had misconceptions about it, as I had done,’ she says. ‘Now I love everything I do – every day is different, and having a business enables you to leverage from your strengths while providing a platform for development in other areas, too.’
How? Being passionate goes a long way, but you’ll need a business head, too. ‘A big misconception about running your own studio in the fitness industry is that it’s not a business,’ Lisa says. ‘It’s a business like any other, and requires the discipline to match. It’s important to be excited by what you do as the business will reflect this.’

Fix up sports stars
Why? Working in the fitness industry doesn’t necessarily mean getting down and dirty on the gym floor. Alison Rose, director of Coach House Sports Physiotherapy Clinic (cspc.co.uk), treats patients just like you and me, but is also responsible for the wellness of world-class athletes like Jessica Ennis-Hill and Dame Kelly Holmes. Her work makes it possible for our country’s sports stars to bring back those medals. ‘The best part of my job is seeing people get better,’ she says. ‘The more complex the injury or the longer someone’s been suffering, the more rewarding it is to see them recover – it gives you real job satisfaction.’
How? Alison didn’t know she wanted to be a physio right away, but discovered it while training as a marathon runner at university. ‘I was doing a degree in anatomy and physiology, and by doing that, realised I wanted to go more down the physio route. So once I’d finished that degree, I took on another in physiotherapy.’ Aside from official qualifications, though, experience is paramount. ‘It’s such a competitive field, so anything that shows you have an interest and awareness will work in your favour,’ Alison adds. ‘I’d recommend volunteering, observing and taking in all aspects of physiotherapy.’

Make a difference
Why? Volunteering is a great way to gain experience. ‘It can help you develop new skills and experience a number of roles,’ says Emily Lewis, Head of Sport at Join In (joininuk.org), a London 2012 legacy charity. ‘Whether it’s coaching or managing accounts, there’s something for you.’ And Emily reckons it could really pay off. ‘Without volunteering I’d never have started working in the sports industry,’ she says. ‘As a result of the experience I’d gained volunteering as an assistant to the media officers at the World Cup, I was able to get a job in the media team at UK Athletics and have built my career from there.’
How? One of the biggest misconceptions is that you need to come from a sporty background. ‘I’ve always loved sport as a spectator, but was never very good at it myself,’ Emily says. ‘I don’t think people realise how many different roles there are and the wide range of skills needed. I’d definitely suggest volunteering – volunteers are an important part of athletics both at grass roots and elite level.’

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