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Women well-being is for the woman who knows that exercising and eating well will make you happier and stronger (even if after-work runs can really suck). We know that looking and feeling good are interconnected, that fad diets aren't effective, and that a sustainable lifestyle is crucial to achieving any goal. And we also know that life can be stressful since there's never enough time, but balance is achievable (with a little help).

Groups Continue To Warn TPP Could Harm Access To Medicines As U.S. Senate Votes Down Fast-Track Legislation

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Share -->PrintHomeGlobal Health PolicyKaiser Daily Global Health Policy ReportMay 13, 2015Groups Continue To Warn TPP Could Harm Access To Medicines As U.S. Senate Votes Down Fast-Track LegislationMay 13, 2015

GlobalPost: This U.S.-backed Pacific trade deal could stop the poor from getting life-saving meds
“…[H]undreds of millions of patients around the Pacific rim face losing the chance to use new, cheap generic drugs to treat a host of conditions, including cancer, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, and rheumatoid arthritis. That’s thanks to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, a Washington-backed mega-trade agreement that would include Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam…” (Grillo/Tegel, 5/12).

International Business Times: Trans-Pacific Partnership Health And Medicine Policies Could Hurt Poor Nations, Boost Pharmaceutical Companies
“Health organizations across the globe have taken a strong stance against the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, saying it would shoot up drug costs and hurt people in poorer countries. The controversial deal is up for a vote in the Senate on Tuesday to allow President Barack Obama fast track authority in negotiating the deal…” (Marcin, 5/12).

Wall Street Journal: Senate Democrats Block Debate on Obama’s Fast-Track Bill
“Senate Democrats derailed a top White House economic priority Tuesday, blocking a bill to give President Barack Obama authority to ease trade deals through Congress and forcing the administration and Republican leaders to regroup on trade policy. … The Senate action almost certainly won’t be the last word on advancing trade deals, since a majority of senators are believed to favor both the fast-track measure and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the big trade deal between the U.S. and 11 nations around the Pacific whose path would be eased by the fast-track legislation. Late Tuesday, Democrats had already proposed a way to bridge the divide…” (Hughes/Mauldin, 5/12).

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